Teflon Thread Tape

  • Make plumbing tasks convenient with the Teflon Tape Pack.
  • This tape pack is made from high-grade polytetrafluoroethylene to provide you with years of reliable use.
  • The tape effectively seals leakage and comes on a spool, making it easy to use.
  • This tape is generally used for plumbing, especially sealing pipes and joints.
  • This Teflon tap pack is made from high-grade polytetrafluoroethylene to offer you long-term use.
  • The tap provides lasting adhesion when applied to leakage spots.
  • The tape effectively seals leakage, and because it comes on a spool, it’s convenient to use.
  • This type of tape is generally used for plumbing tasks, especially sealing pipes and joints.
  • Simply wrap the tape around the threaded male end of the pipe or connector and screw.
  • Less stickiness on the fingers and is easy to remove and easily use.
  • Simply wrap the tape around the threaded male end of the pipe or connector and screw.
  • Thread sealant tape is suitable for most kinds of soft water pipes, creating airtight seals between threaded pipes and fittings.
  • Working for both air and water, it is designed for home and piping applications
  • Sealant tape is made of Teflon with good density, 4 times heavier than standard tapes.
  • Teflon tapes will not harden or crack anytime; They have the good characteristics of sealing, corrosion resistance, anti-aging
  • Multi-Use: Working for both air and water, plastic and metal pipe fittings. good for gas, drinking water pipes, and garden hose faucets.
  • Simple & Efficient to Use: Simply wrap the tape around the threaded male end of the pipe or connector and screw.



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